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Explanation of Phishing , crawling ,Spamming


Phishing is a type of cybercrime in which an attacker uses social engineering techniques to trick victims into revealing sensitive information, such as passwords or credit card numbers. This is typically done by sending an email or message that appears to come from a legitimate source, such as a bank or online service, and asking the victim to provide personal information or click on a link that leads to a fake website designed to steal their information. It is important to be cautiouswhen clicking on links or providing personal information online, and to only trust sources that have been verified as legitimate .


Web crawling is the process of automatically visiting and indexing webpages on the internet by a software called web crawler. 
Crawlers are typically used by search engines like Google to build an index of all the publicly available webpages on the internet, 
so that users can search for relevant information. These crawlers can be used for other purposes such as;

Price comparison
Market research
Sentiment analysis
Data scraping
Content aggregation.

Crawling can be done on a website or a group of websites, following links from page to page, and indexing the content found on those pages. A well-designed crawler can be run continuously, so that new and updated content is quickly indexed and made searchable.


Spamming refers to the practice of sending unsolicited messages, typically in bulk, through email or other electronic means. These messages can take the form of advertisements, phishing attempts, or other types of unwanted content. Spammers often use automated tools to send these messages, making it difficult to stop them. Spamming can cause a number of problems for recipients, including clogging up inboxes,spreading malware, and exposing personal information. Some of the most common ways spammers get email addresses is by buying lists of email addresses, scraping email addresses from websites, or using a bot to generate email addresses. Spammers also use other mediums like SMS, instant messaging, social media to spread their unwanted messages.

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